St. Augustinegrass has been the turfgrass of choice in Central Florida for a number of decades. There is a good reason for this as this is a grass type that thrives in the predominately sandy soils of Florida. With proper care there are few grass types that can compete with St. Augustinegrass for durability and attractiveness.
But, as we all know, St.Augustinegrass is not without problems. First and foremost it requires proper watering. This grass simply will not survive severe drought, and will be weakened or damaged from intermittent drought.
Chinch bugs are the primary pest. Chinch bugs will cause the grass to die in a short period of time and must be controlled in a timely manner. Other damaging insects include Sod Webworms and Armyworms. Nematodes can often affect the roots of the grass and limit its ability to withstand other stresses.
The weeds that can infest St. Augustinegrass are many. Some weeds are easily controlled, some are more difficult, and others cannot be selectively controlled at all. That is, treatments that would kill resistant weeds would also kill the St. Augustinegrass.
Fungus diseases effecting St. Augustinegrass range from mildly damaging to severe. Dollar Spot, Brown Patch Fungus, Gray Leaf Spot, Pythium Root Rot, and Take-all Root Rot are all diseases that can affect the health of the grass. Many of these diseases will require treatments, though not all can be easily remedied. Weather and growing conditions will often determine how susceptible the grass is to these diseases, and whether or not treatments are successful.
Popular varieties of St. Augustinegrass include Floratam, Bitter Blue, Seville, and Palmetto. Floratam is the best choice for full sun. The others generally do better in broken sunlight and semi-shade. None of these varieties will tolerate dense shade.
The people at EPLS are truly experts at taking care of St. Augustinegrass. An important part of our service includes the technical knowledge and the troubleshooting skills that we offer. You can call us for any questions you have about your St. Augustinegrass lawn.